Does homeopathy help increase height naturally?
Yes. Children and Teenagers are beset with a number of health problems that do not help them grow fully and attain peak height in their formative years. Homeopathy addresses these gaps in their faulty metabolism to help them grow naturally and attain an optimum height
- Children born with faulty metabolism, are mentally and physically backward, do not grow, and develop swollen abdomen, loss of memory. Baryta carbonica is good for them
- There are children who are peevish with feeble digestion, anemic, they develop tardy dentition and struggle to have healthy bones. Such youngsters tend to have abdominal flatulence, mild inflammation of tonsils, colic or soreness around the navel, diarrhea with undigested food in stools. Calcarea Phosphorica is recommended for such children
- Some Teenagers have imperfect assimilation and consequent defective nutrition. These are slow walking, not particular in eating food , and are generally dull. Silicea is good
- Scrofulous children suffer poor mental and physical growth, they display symptoms such as; poor immunity, sensitivity to cold, always have swollen tonsils irritable, melancholia with poor appetite. Barium Carbonate is a medicine of choice to increase height in such subjects
- Youngsters are affected by hyposecretion of pituitary hormones aggravated by emotion, complaints after grief, fright, anger, disappointed love, contradiction, etc. Medicine such as metallic gold or Aurum Metallicum is known to affect profoundly