Gynecological Problems

Hormonal dysfunctions are among the most frequent ailments of women of reproductive age. Premenstrual syndrome is most prominent in women in their twenties or older, while dysmenorrhea is observed primarily in very young women. Delayed or skipped ovulation due to hormonal disturbances is also one of the most frequent causes of infertility in couples who have been attempting to conceive for years.
The menstrual cycle, however, is not exclusively hormonally regulated but is also linked to complex CNS functions. Therefore, menstrual disorders can also be either triggered or masked by psychological factors. Because of the possibility of undesirable side effects, hormone substitution is not always the optimum solution to such problems.
Thus many women today are refusing hormone treatment and looking for therapeutic alternatives that are both better tolerated and convincingly effective. In comparison to hormone substitution therapy, both phytotherapy, and homeopathic remedies have proved quite effective in treating functional menstrual disorders and female infertility.
The advantages of homeopathic therapy over hormone substitution include better tolerance and the absence of multiple pregnancies or ovarian cyst.
Dr. Sangita Bajaj discusses common remedies for menstrual difficulties, fertility issues, pregnancy problems, post-partum depression, and menopause. When asking the question, “What problems can be treated?” Dr Sangita Bajaj says, “Almost any affliction!” and then lists:
Physical – anaemia, chloasma (skin pigmentation), chronic fatigue, constipation, cystitis, genital warts, gestational diabetes, growths, haemorrhage, herpes, hot flashes, IBS, incontinence, insufficient breast milk, mastitis, morning sickness, osteoporosis, piles, PMS, poor libido, prolapse, recovery from surgery, tendency to miscarriage, thrush, thyroid imbalance, vaginal infections, varicose veins.
Emotional – anger, disappointed love, fright, guilt, grief, irritability, mood swings, post-traumatic stress disorder (e.g. after sexual abuse), weepiness. Mental – anxiety, depression, eating disorders, fears eg of flying, having a deformed baby, low confidence, obsessive-compulsive behaviour, pessimism, post-partum depression, sleep disturbances, stagefright, timidity.
Recognizing symptoms early and seeing a physician right away increases the likelihood of successful treatment.
Dr. Sangita Bajaj, at Vaishnavi Clinic, Nigdi, Pune is an expert Homeopath, Acupuncturist and Naturopath and has expert knowledge and a great deal of expertise in treating Gynecological Problems.